Molokai Broodstock Company (MBC) operates two independent broodstock production facilities located on the remote and pristine Hawaii island of Molokai. Molokai Sea farms, and Keawa Nui Farms. Each contains a nucleus breeding center and quarantine facilities.
Molokai is very different from other Hawaiian Islands with a total population of only 7,000 residents. This is in sharp contrast to other Hawaiian islands that have large population centers with heavy tourist traffic.
Molokai is very different from other Hawaiian Islands with a total population of only 7,000 residents. This is in sharp contrast to other Hawaiian islands that have large population centers with heavy tourist traffic.
This rural setting along with pristine environmental conditions provides an ideal setting for the biosecurity and health of our shrimp stocks.
MBC operates the only aquaculture facilities on the island, free of all OIE listed pathogens since routine testing was instituted in the late 1990s.
MBC facilities contain 4 deep saltwater wells in addition to a brackish water well. This allows us to manipulate our salinity and other water variables to achieve optimal breeding and grow-out conditions while still maintaining our bio-secure focus.
MBC operates the only aquaculture facilities on the island, free of all OIE listed pathogens since routine testing was instituted in the late 1990s.
MBC facilities contain 4 deep saltwater wells in addition to a brackish water well. This allows us to manipulate our salinity and other water variables to achieve optimal breeding and grow-out conditions while still maintaining our bio-secure focus.
Our biosecurity protocols and Best Management Practices (BMP) are inspected and reviewed on a routine basis by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS). Our facilities have been independently tested for OIE pathogens for over 20 years by the State of Hawaii Department of Agriculture, Animal Disease Control Branch.
Our nucleus breeding centers are registered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) as SPF shrimp aquaculture export facilities. SPF certification comes from animals being sampled by the Veterinary Medical Officer of The State of Hawaii, Department of Agriculture, Animal Disease Control Branch. Samples are collected and sent for routine screening to The University of Arizona’s Aquaculture Pathology Laboratory. SPF status is granted when screening protocol test results are 100% negative for at least two years. MBC stock and facilities have been continuously tested and SPF certified for over 20 years.
The Hawaiian Islands are located 3,500 kilometers from the nearest continent and are among the most remote islands in the world. With prevailing trade winds and strong ocean currents, Hawaii provides an ideal location for biosecure broodstock development. Just offshore from our facilities lie some of the most vibrant and thriving reefs in the world.