Our selective breeding program has been ongoing for over 20 years. Choosing the most robust shrimp over many generations has produced shrimp with greater vigor, increased disease resistance, and faster growth. For over 45 generations we have been identifying families for fast growth with a generational interval of 6 months
By rearing the broodstock in outdoor ponds the shrimp benefit from a wide range of environmental conditions. The stock encounter constantly changing conditions including temperatures, salinities, oxygen levels, algal blooms, bacterial loads and varying natural productivity.
This natural productivity available in the ponds combined with a variety of high quality feeds, provides a complete and natural diet. The broodstock are genetically better equipped to handle the stresses that are commonly encountered in commercial grow-out compared to broodstock grown for generations in tanks with little variation in environmental conditions. |
Breeding Program Objectives:
To maintain genetic diversity over the years, we have introduced different family lines of fast growth and SPR (TSV)
We recommend a critical evaluation of stocks provided by broodstock suppliers with respect to overall stock performance. |